Thursday 8 December 2016

Are you in the right fold?

God has so ordained that different people lead different causes. You can only follow a cause that is, in some significant magnitude, related to the cause you have been made to lead.

Imagine exchanging the sheer strength of an elephant with the tenacity of termites.... Both are different.... both are wired for their respective results

There are experiences necessary for the growth of your unique value. And there are experiences that can and will stymie your growth. By virtue of what you carry, u don't belong in some circles. Be sensitive to God first and to your environment. Do not promote every cause because by so doing, some have sacrificed their own significance on the alter of ignorance.
Don't get lost in the euphoria of motion and be stagnated by the progress of others.

Its time for a reality check
Have you booked the wrong flight?
Have you served seven years for Racheal only to discover you have to wed Leah first?
Have you set sail with those going to tarshish when God has called you Jonah?

Where you are now might just be a waste of time and efforts

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