Thursday 12 October 2017

Dear believer, what exactly are you doing with all this angst against the Church?

* The responsibility of the Church is to create an enabling environment for Spiritual growth

* The responsibilitIES of the believer are to:
- locate a Christ believing and word teaching Church
- submit to the leadership of the choice church
- pursue service and add value to the body of Christ (and not just through service units in church)
- feed on the word and enlist the help of the holy ghost to help him mature into the stature of Christ.

Dear believer, it is not your responsibility to receive account from your spiritual leader concerning his responsibilities and his calling, leave that to the righteous Judge who put him in office.

Quit trying to defend the Gospel by running campaigns against its teachers. God gave them to the body of Christ as gifts, let Him decide when their platform becomes obsolete - He knows just what to do.

When you want to lash out because you believe that your leader's calling is not legitimate, remember that God is neither deaf, blind nor helpless.

Rather, focus on Jesus and your own growth into His stature, pray that His will be done, focus on making the right choices about your relationships and environments - including the choice of church to belong to.

Before you determine which church to belong, know that its never about you and your ideas - you would be required to look beyond yourself to the desires of God. Yes!!! God ACTUALLY has a purpose for you there. It doesn't necessarily have to be an obvious or conspicuous assignment, it might just be that some of the persons you need (to meet to be encouraged towards your on purpose) are in that church.

This few steps will help you make a choice:
~ Is Jesus at the centre of their worship/faith?
~ Is the Word recognised and acknowledged as the final authority of the believer?
~ Can you submit to the leadership there?
~ Does the church encourage your growth towards the stature of Christ?
~ for extra measure, pray in the Spirit until you have a release on your inside - that inner witness is simply bae 💖 (pay no mind to my playful self, it just had to shine somehow despite my serious effort to keep her tucked safely in throughout this post. This would be one of those serious topics I would usually prefer to just sidestep but .......that voice inside me won't let me rest so I decided to treat as 'SACRED').

* if you answered NO to the above questions, please continue your search but, by all means, refrain from slandering church leaders.

If God requires you to be His mouthpiece(which is very uncommon), He will tell you clearly, grow you into a man of restraint and discipline yourself, then give you the rare wisdom (bear in mind that this kind of wisdom will be a lot like hot coals on your lips)to speak His heart on the matter.

That said, are you sure you should continue your campaign against your church/leaders for what you believe they haven't done that should be done? For what you believe they have taught/emphasized wrongly?
Wouldn't you rather focus on Jesus? And leave the appraisal to the one who will sit as Judge and, as Heb 13:17 puts it, the one to whom these leaders must give account?

I encourage you to keep growing, the body of Christ has faced challenges greater than this in the past, believers will continue to be criticized and persecuted in varying degrees (are you aware that in some communities today, some believers are still being slaughtered for their faith? Our martyrs aren't just the ones listed in scriptures or revered in our history) but the good news is that our Faith prevails and so our focus should remain true, our ideals should remain christ-centred. And above all, we should remain relevant to the body.
May our light not be put out by the wind of offence sweeping through the land.

And until we come to unity with the father on that day, keep the faith, read your bible too and commune with your maker.

You will succeed!!!


In other unrelated news, you see, I already believe I am one of the 'goofiest'  bloggers you'll ever know so don't even try to judge me.
But who knows, maybe someday the blogging bug will bite me for real and I'll suddenly wake up with a dedication to this thing 😋 until then sha, I'll keep on sliding in here 'once in a year' like its some anniversary.

Speaking of anniversaries tho, I'll be celebrating the gift of life pretty soon. This girl would be completing another 365 days on planet earth. Maybe, just maybe, i'll drop by again on that day. S/O to all December babies, that's the only month on the AWESOME calendar.

I know i'll blog again when next the madness becomes too much and I can't contain the words anymore 😹😹😹😭😭😂😂.

Okay, bye.

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