Wednesday 5 September 2018

What Lobsters Will Teach You About Failure

I actually wrote this around 1.48am

I woke up and I couldn't sleep again.

So, I decided to quickly check my Facebook wall to
see what is going on in the Mark 'Suckabag' (pun intended )world.

Lo and behold, I came across this interesting writeup
about lobsters from my friend, Ronald Nzimora

I read it and I decided that you ought to read it too

Ronald's "Lobster" article starts after the line below


I once read a fascinating story about lobsters.

You know what lobsters are right?

Those giant crayfish-like looking sea "animals" people 
like to eat. 

How does anyone eat seafood? They give me an allergic 

Anyway, so here's the story:

When waves roll and crash against the rocks, they will
carry with it tens of these lobsters and when the waves
roll back, the lobsters are left behind.

A lobster when left high and dry among the rocks, does 
not have the instinct and energy enough to work its way 
back to the sea, so it waits for the sea to come to it 
and take it back.

Sometimes though the sea never comes back to roll over 
those rocks on which the lobsters are.

If the sea does not come, the lobster within a yard 
of the waves, remains where it is and dies.

Why would it do this? Why would it choose to die 
although it could have prevented it's own death if 
only it would make the slightest effort to reach 
the waves, that are just beyond those rocks?

Turns out this is a valuable lesson for you and 
I because, guess what?

The world is full of human lobsters.

People who sit and wait for permission to start 
living their best life. People who are waiting for 
the perfect time, the perfect conditions, the perfect 
tools, the perfect amount of money, before they get 
off their hiney and do something to change their 
station in life.

Men and women stranded on the rocks of indecision, 
self-doubt and procrastination, who, instead of 
putting forth their own energies, are waiting for 
some grand wind of good fortune to to blow them 
into the sea and set them afloat.

They are the people who are waiting to "hammer", 
waiting to be handed things, waiting for things 
to be done for them. So they wait and wait and 
wait, like Godot, forever, when they could simply 
have reached out and taken everything they could 
ever want.

I don't want this to be you. 

Please don't be a human lobster.

Have a great September.

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