Sunday 10 December 2023

What withstood the storm

I have began measuring life not just in numbers and years

But in sunsets and trees blossoming and brilliant views.

You cannot calculate my growth by the notches no one bothered to etch on my bedroom wall.

Neither can you understand my scars by nicks and scrapes, mine are covered decently. 

You cannot grasp my metamorphosis by the skin I’ve shed or the baby teeth I’ve lost.

It cannot be determined in anything I’ve lost or in what’s marred me. It can only be quantified in what remains, in what withstood every storm and every disruption of my heart.

You can see my growth simply by the fact that I am still standing here, believing that this world is still an inherently good place to laugh, to hurt, to love, to lose, to exist, to heal, to blossom. That no matter how undone we were the night before, the miracle is that we are still standing…

We are, essentially, what withstood all the disruption and that’s okay..😍🥰

I Told You I’d Be Okay Someday

Growth or a change

In my perspective 

Will turn some people off,

Turn some people away.

This doesn’t mean 

I am growing in the wrong direction.

It’s important to remember 

No one needs to be in my corner

As long as I am in my corner.

No one needs to witness my comeback;

What matters is I come back.

This isn’t a classic underdog story;

I am not a Phoenix.

I did not rise from the ashes-

I crawled out from under the spot,

Fingernails cracked,

Palms bloody,

Face muddy.

I told you I’d be okay one day.

Today is that day.
